Source code for readsparse

import numpy as np
import os, warnings
import ctypes
from scipy.sparse import csr_array, issparse
from . import _cpp_interface 

__all__ = ["read_sparse", "write_sparse"]

def _as_csr(X):
    if not (issparse(X) and (X.format == "csr")):
        X = csr_array(X)
    return X

### Main functions
[docs] def read_sparse( file, multilabel=False, has_qid=False, integer_labels=False, index1=True, sort_indices=True, ignore_zeros=True, min_cols=0, min_classes=0, limit_nrows=0, use_int64=False, use_double=True, use_cpp=True, from_string=False ): """ Read Sparse Matrix from Text File Read a labelled sparse CSR matrix in text format as used by libraries such as SVMLight, LibSVM, ThunderSVM, LibFM, xLearn, XGBoost, LightGBM, and more. The format is as follows: <label(s)> <column>:<value> <column>:<value> ... Example line (row): 1 1:1.234 3:20 This line denotes a row with label (target variable) equal to 1, a value for the first column of 1.234, a value of zero for the second column (which is missing), and a value of 20 for the third column. The labels might be decimal (for regression), and each row might contain more than one label (must be integers in this case), separated by commas *without* spaces inbetween - e.g.: 1,5,10 1:1.234 3:20 This line indicates a row with labels 1, 5, and 10 (for multi-class classification). If the line has no labels, it should still include a space before the features. The rows might additionally contain a 'qid' parameter as used in ranking algorithms, which should always lay inbetween the labels and the features and must be an integer - e.g.: 1 qid:2 1:1.234 3:20 The file might optionally contain a header as the first line with metadata (number of rows, number of columns, number of classes). Presence of a header will be automatically detected, and is recommended to include it for speed purposes. Datasets from the extreme classification repository (see references) usually include such a header. Lines might include comments, which start after a '#' character. Lines consisting of only a '#' will be ignored. When reading from a file, such file might have a BOM (information about encoding uses in Windows sytems), which will be automatically skipped. Some extra notes - this function: - Will not make any checks for negative column indices. - Will be able to read numeric values in scientific notation only if the E is capitalized. - Will fill missing labels with NAs when passing ``multilabel=False``. - Will fill with zeros (empty values) the lines that are empty (that is, they generate a row in the data), but will ignore (that is, will not generate a row in the data) the lines that start with '#'. On 64-bit Windows systems, if compiling the library with a compiler other than MinGW or MSVC, it will not be able to read files larger than 2GB and might crash the system if the file is larger. Note that, on windows, file paths with non-ascii characters will only be interpreted correctly when using UTF8 as system encoding. If the file contains a header, and this header denotes a larger number of columns or of labels than the largest index in the data, the resulting object will have this dimension set according to the header. The third entry in the header (number of classes/labels) will be ignored when passing ``multilabel=False``. The function uses different code paths when reading from a file or from a string, and there might be slight differences between the obtained results from them. For example, reading from a file might produce the desired output if the file uses tabs as separators instead of spaces (not supported by most other software and not standard), whereas reading from a string will not. If any such difference is encountered, please submit a bug report in the package's GitHub page. Parameters ---------- file : str, None, or file connection Either a file path from which the data will be read, or a string containing the text from which the data will be read. In the latter case, must pass ``from_string=True``. multilabel : bool Whether the input file can have multiple labels per observation. If passing ``multilabel=False`` and it turns out to have multiple labels, will only take the first one for each row. If the labels are non-integers or have decimal point, the results will be invalid. has_qid : bool Whether the input file has 'qid' field (used for ranking). If passing ``False`` and the file does turns out to have 'qid', the features will not be read for any observations. integer_labels : bool Whether to output the observation labels as integers. index1 : bool Whether the input file uses numeration starting at 1 for the column numbers (and for the label numbers when passing ``multilabel=True``). This is usually the case for files downloaded from the repositories in the references. The function will check for whether any of the column indices is zero, and will ignore this option if so (i.e. will assume it is ``False``). sort_indices : bool Whether to sort the indices of the columns after reading the data. These should already be sorted in the files from the repositories in the references. ignore_zeros : bool Whether to avoid adding features which have a value of zero. If the zeros are caused due to numerical rounding in the software that wrote the input file, they can be post-processed by passing ``ignore_zeros=False`` and then something like '[ == 0] = 1e-8'. min_cols : int Minimum number of columns that the output ``X`` object should have, in case some columns are all missing in the input data. min_classes : int Minimum number of columns that the output ``y`` object should have, in case some columns are all missing in the input data. Only used when passing ``multilabel=True``. limit_nrows : int Maximum number of rows to read from the data. If there are more than this number of rows, it will only read the first 'limit_nrows' rows. If passing zero (the default), there will be no row limit. use_int64 : bool Whether to use 64-bit integers for column and label indices (when passing ``multilabel=True``). If passing ``False``, will use the machine's 'int' type (typically np.int32 but this could differ in non-standard CPU architectures). Using 'int' is faster and uses less memory, but cannot store values higher than the machine's 'INT_MAX' (typically 2^31-1, or around 2.2 billion). use_double : bool Whether to use C 'double' type (typically np.float64) for numeric values. If passing ``False``, will use C 'float' type (typically np.float32), which uses less memory but might be very slightly slower to parse. Most machine learning software for Python works with 'double' data. use_cpp : bool Whether to use C++ functions directly for file IO. If passing ``False``, will read the contents using Python's own functions into a string variable, from which the data will then be read. If passing ``True``, will parse from the file directly, which is faster and uses less memory. Using the C++ engine can have issues on Windows if the file is larger than 2GB and the library was compiled with something other than MSVC or MinGW. from_string : bool Whether to read the data from a string variable instead of a file. If passing ``from_string=True``, then ``file`` is assumed to be a variable with the data contents on it. Returns ------- data : dict A dict with the following entries: - 'X' : the features, as a CSR array from SciPy, with data of type ``np.float64`` or ``np.float32`` depending on argument ``use_double``. - 'y' : the labels. If passing ``multilabel=False`` (the default), will be a vector (NumPy 1-d array, with dtype float64 when passing ``integer_labels=False``, or dtype `equal to the indices of 'X' when passing ``integer_labels=True``), otherwise will be a binary CSR array (same dtype as the values of 'X'). - 'qid' : the query IDs used for ranking, as an integer vector. This entry will **only** be present when passing ``has_qid=True`` References ---------- Datasets in this format can be found here: - LibSVM Data: - Extreme Classification Repository: The format is also described at the SVMLight webpage: """ multilabel = bool(multilabel) has_qid = bool(has_qid) integer_labels = bool(integer_labels) index1 = bool(index1) sort_indices = bool(sort_indices) ignore_zeros = bool(ignore_zeros) from_string = bool(from_string) min_cols = int(min_cols) min_classes = int(min_classes) limit_nrows = int(limit_nrows) if (min_cols < 0): raise ValueError("'min_cols' must be a non-negative integer.") if (min_classes < 0): raise ValueError("'min_classes' must be a non-negative integer.") if (limit_nrows < 0): raise ValueError("'limit_nrows' must be a non-negative integer.") if hasattr(file, "read"): file = from_string = True elif from_string and isinstance(file, bytes): file = file.decode() if not from_string: file = os.path.expanduser(file) if not os.path.exists(file): raise ValueError("Error: file does not exist.") if multilabel: read_func = _cpp_interface.read_multi_label_py else: read_func = _cpp_interface.read_single_label_py else: ## from_string if not isinstance(file, (str, bytes)): raise ValueError("Error: 'file' is not a string.") if multilabel: read_func = _cpp_interface.read_multi_label_from_str_py else: read_func = _cpp_interface.read_single_label_from_str_py r = read_func( file, ignore_zero_valued = ignore_zeros, sort_indices = sort_indices, text_is_base1 = index1, assume_no_qid = not has_qid, use_int64 = use_int64, use_double = use_double, limit_nrows = limit_nrows ) if len(r) == 0: raise ValueError("Error: could not read file successfully.") r["ncols"] = max(r["ncols"], min_cols) r["nclasses"] = max(r["nclasses"], min_classes) features = csr_array((r["values"], r["indices"], r["indptr"]), shape=(r["nrows"], r["ncols"])) if multilabel: labels = csr_array((np.ones_like(r["indices_lab"], dtype=r["values"].dtype), r["indices_lab"], r["indptr_lab"]), shape=(r["nrows"], r["nclasses"])) else: labels = r["labels"] if integer_labels: if use_int64: labels = labels.astype(np.int64) else: labels = labels.astype(ctypes.c_int) if (not has_qid) and (r["indptr"].shape[0] > 1) and (r["indptr"][0] == r["indptr"][-1]): warnings.warn("Data has empty features. Perhaps the file has 'qid' field?") if not has_qid: return {"X":features, "y":labels} else: return {"X":features, "y":labels, "qid":r["qid"]}
[docs] def write_sparse( file, X, y, qid=None, integer_labels=True, index1=True, sort_indices=True, ignore_zeros=True, add_header=False, decimal_places=8, use_cpp=True, append=False, to_string=False ): """ Write Sparse Matrix in Text Format Write a labelled sparse matrix into text format as used by software such as SVMLight, LibSVM, ThunderSVM, LibFM, xLearn, XGBoost, LightGBM, and others - i.e.: <labels(s)> <column:value> <column:value> ... For more information about the format and usage examples, see the documentation for 'read_sparse'. Can write labels for regression, classification (binary, multi-class, and multi-label), and ranking (with 'qid'), but note that most software that makes use of this data format supports only regression and binary classification. Note ---- Be aware that writing sparse matrices to text is not a lossless operation - that is, some information might be lost due to numeric precision, and metadata such as row and column names will not be saved. It is recommended to use ``save_npz`` or similar for saving data between Python sessions, or to use binary formats for passing between different software such as Python->R. Note ---- The option ``ignore_zeros`` is implemented heuristically, by comparing 'abs(x) >= 10^(-decimal_places)/2', which might not match exactly with the rounding that is done implicitly in string conversions in the libc/libc++ functions - thus there might still be some corner cases of all-zeros written into features if the (absolute) values are very close to the rounding threshold. Note ---- The function uses different code paths when writing to a file or to a string, and there might be slight differences between the generated texts from them. If any such difference is encountered, please submit a bug report in the package's GitHub page. Parameters ---------- file : str or None Output file path into which to write the data. Will be ignored when passing ``to_string=True``. X : CSR(n_samples, n_labels) Sparse data to write. Can be a sparse matrix from SciPy, a dense array from NumPy, or a DataFrame from Pandas, but will be converted to a CSR array if it isn't already. If ``X`` is a vector (1-d NumPy array), will be assumed to be a row vector and will thus write one row only. y : array(n_samples,) or CSR(n_samples, n_labels) Labels for the data. Can be passed as a vector if each observation has one label, or as a sparse or dense matrix (same format as ``X``) if each observation can have more than 1 label. In the latter case, only the non-missing column indices will be written, while the values are ignored. qid : None or array(n_samples,) Secondary label information used for ranking algorithms. Must be an integer vector if passed. Note that not all software supports this. integer_labels : bool Whether to write the labels as integers. If passing ``False``, they will have a decimal point regardless of whether they are integers or not. If the file is meant to be used for a classification algorithm, one should pass ``True`` here (the default). For multilabel classification, the labels will always be written as integers. index1 : bool Whether the column and label indices (if multi-label) should have numeration starting at 1. Most software assumes this is ``True``. sort_indices : bool Whether to sort the indices of ``X`` (and of ``y`` if multi-label) before writing the data. Note that this will cause in-place modifications if either ``X`` or ``y`` are passed as CSR arrays/matrices. ignore_zeros : bool Whether to ignore (not write) features with a value of zero after rounding to the specified decimal places. add_header : bool Whether to add a header with metadata as the first line (number of rows, number of columns, number of classes). If passing ``integer_label=False`` and ``y`` is a vector, will write zero as the number of labels. This is not supported by most software. decimal_places : int Number of decimal places to use for numeric values. All values will have exactly this number of places after the decimal point. Be aware that values are rounded and might turn to zeros (will be skipped by default) if they are too small (one can do something like ' = np.where( >= 0,,' to avoid this). use_cpp : bool Whether to use C++ functions directly for IO. If passing ``False``, will first write the output text into a Python string and then use Python's IO functions to write it to a file. If passing ``True``, will write to the file directly bypassing Python. Passing ``True`` is faster, but less resilient to errors. append : bool Whether to append text at the end of the file instead of overwriting or creating a new file. Ignored when passing ``to_string=True``. to_string : bool Whether to write the result into a string (which will be returned from the function) instead of into a file. Returns ------- output : bool or str If passing ``to_string=False`` (the default), will return ``True`` if it completes successfully, or raise an error if it doesn't. If passing ``to_string=False``, will return the encoded matrix in text as a string variable. """ if (X is None) or (y is None): raise ValueError("Must pass 'X' and 'y'.") decimal_places = int(decimal_places) if (decimal_places < 0): raise ValueError("'decimal_places' must be non-negative.") if (decimal_places > 20): warnings.warn("'decimal_places' is greater than 20.") integer_labels = bool(integer_labels) index1 = bool(index1) sort_indices = bool(sort_indices) ignore_zeros = bool(ignore_zeros) add_header = bool(add_header) write_str_to_file_conn = False return_string = to_string if hasattr(file, "write"): write_str_to_file_conn = True to_string = True if not use_cpp: to_string = True ### Note: this check should be made right here due to potential ### in-place modifications of the data which would render the input unusable if sort_indices: if issparse(y) and (y.format == "csr"): y.sort_indices() if issparse(X) and (X.format == "csr"): X.sort_indices() sort_indices = False indptr, indices, values, nrows, ncols = _process_X(X) indptr_lab, indices_lab, labels, nrows_y, nclasses = _process_y(y, add_header, integer_labels) qid = _process_qid(qid) if nrows != nrows_y: raise ValueError("'X' and 'y' must have the same number of rows.") if (qid.shape[0]) and (qid.shape[0] != nrows): raise ValueError("'X' and 'qid' must have the same number of rows.") indptr, indices, indptr_lab, indices_lab, qid = \ _as_highest_dtype( indptr, indices, indptr_lab, indices_lab, qid ) if not to_string: if (add_header) and (append) and (os.path.exists(file)): warnings.warn("Warning: adding header to existing file with 'append=TRUE'.") if indptr_lab is not None: success = _cpp_interface.write_multi_label_py( file, indptr, indices, values, indptr_lab, indices_lab, qid, ncols, nclasses, ignore_zero_valued = ignore_zeros, sort_indices = sort_indices, text_is_base1 = index1, add_header = add_header, decimal_places = decimal_places, append = append ) else: success = _cpp_interface.write_single_label_py( file, indptr, indices, values, labels, qid, ncols, nclasses, ignore_zero_valued = ignore_zeros, sort_indices = sort_indices, text_is_base1 = index1, add_header = add_header, decimal_places = decimal_places, append = append ) if not success: raise ValueError("Error: file write failed.") return success else: ### to_string=True if indptr_lab is not None: res = _cpp_interface.write_multi_label_to_str_py( indptr, indices, values, indptr_lab, indices_lab, qid, ncols, nclasses, ignore_zero_valued = ignore_zeros, sort_indices = sort_indices, text_is_base1 = index1, add_header = add_header, decimal_places = decimal_places, append = append ) else: res = _cpp_interface.write_single_label_to_str_py( indptr, indices, values, labels, qid, ncols, nclasses, ignore_zero_valued = ignore_zeros, sort_indices = sort_indices, text_is_base1 = index1, add_header = add_header, decimal_places = decimal_places, append = append ) if return_string: return res.decode() if write_str_to_file_conn: file.write(res) return True if use_cpp: with open(file, "a" if append else "w") as f: f.write(res) return True else: return res
### Helpers dtypes_indices = [ctypes.c_int, np.int64, ctypes.c_size_t] dtypes_values = [np.float32, np.float64] dtypes_labels = dtypes_indices + dtypes_values def _process_X(X): X = _as_csr(X) return ( X.indptr, X.indices, if in dtypes_values else, X.shape[0], X.shape[1] ) def _process_y(y, add_header=False, integer_labels=True): if y.__class__.__name__ == "Categorical": y = if y.__class__.__name__ == "Series": y = y.to_numpy() if isinstance(y, (list, tuple)): y = np.array(y) if np.isscalar(y): y = np.array([y]) if isinstance(y, np.ndarray): if (len(y.shape) == 0): y = y.reshape(-1) if (len(y.shape) > 2): raise ValueError("'y' cannot have dimension greater than 2.") ### will reach here when 'y' is a vector if (len(y.shape) == 1): if y.dtype not in dtypes_labels: if integer_labels: y = y.astype(np.int64) else: y = y.astype(np.float64) nclasses = 0 if (add_header) and (integer_labels): if np.any(np.isinf(y)): nclasses = 0 elif np.any(y < 0): nclasses = np.unique(y).shape[0] else: nclasses = y.max() if 0 in y: nclasses += 1 nclasses = max(nclasses, 1) if np.isinf(nclasses) or np.isnan(nclasses): nclasses = 0 nclasses = int(nclasses) if (integer_labels) and (y.dtype not in dtypes_indices): y = y.astype(np.int64) return None, None, y, y.shape[0], nclasses y = _as_csr(y) return ( y.indptr, y.indices, None, y.shape[0], y.shape[1] ) def _process_qid(qid): if qid is None: return np.empty(0, np.int64) if qid.__class__.__name__ == "Categorical": qid = if qid.__class__.__name__ == "Series": qid = qid.to_numpy() if np.isscalar(qid): qid = np.array([qid]) if not isinstance(qid, np.ndarray): qid = np.array(qid) if len(qid.shape) != 1: warnings.warn("'qid' is not unidimensional, will reshape.") qid = qid.reshape(-1) return qid def _as_highest_dtype( indptr, indices, indptr_lab, indices_lab, qid ): highest_int_type = ctypes.c_int def promote_dtype(dtype, curr_highest): if np.iinfo(dtype).max > np.iinfo(curr_highest).max: return dtype else: return curr_highest if indptr.dtype in dtypes_indices: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(indptr.dtype, highest_int_type) else: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(np.int64, highest_int_type) if indices.dtype in dtypes_indices: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(indices.dtype, highest_int_type) else: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(np.int64, highest_int_type) if indptr_lab is not None: if indptr_lab.dtype in dtypes_indices: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(indptr_lab.dtype, highest_int_type) else: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(np.int64, highest_int_type) if indices_lab is not None: if indices_lab.dtype in dtypes_indices: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(indices_lab.dtype, highest_int_type) else: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(np.int64, highest_int_type) if qid.shape[0]: if qid.dtype in dtypes_indices: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(qid.dtype, highest_int_type) else: highest_int_type = promote_dtype(np.int64, highest_int_type) if indptr.dtype != highest_int_type: indptr = indptr.astype(highest_int_type) if indices.dtype != highest_int_type: indices = indices.astype(highest_int_type) if indptr_lab is not None: if indptr_lab.dtype != highest_int_type: indptr_lab = indptr_lab.astype(highest_int_type) if indices_lab is not None: if indices_lab.dtype != highest_int_type: indices_lab = indices_lab.astype(highest_int_type) if qid.dtype != highest_int_type: qid = qid.astype(highest_int_type) return indptr, indices, indptr_lab, indices_lab, qid